
Mostrando entradas de 2015

Darkest days

One light in the darkness

7 shots

Just one christmas pic

I remember you

Lonely christmas nights

Ride to nowhere

Send me an angel

The sound of silence

Ride on

De regreso a ti


Dust in the wind

Just feel better


Fast and furious

Sea of sorrow

Mama i´m coming home

Here for you

In this river

You´re my pasion

Seize the day

Bad boys

De como un encuentro casual puede cambiar tu vida...

En aquel rincón...

I love you

Nothing to say

Impregnas hasta la ultima particula de mi ser...

Streerts of Philadelphia

The old factory

Hill Street Blues

Good morning !!

Sammy Blues


Solaris Fashion Week

Torments of the past

Trey and the good little witch

When the lights go down...

Autumn is coming

Stormy day

Maybe one day something happens

Copenagen streets


Time to be alone